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A safe crossing has been built for migrating amphibians on the road running to Biela púť.
The water reservoir of Biela púť is the place where frogs from far and wide usually migrate in spring. In order to prevent their potential death under the wheels of cars, the mountain resort had a permanent and safe crossing created for the migrating animals.
Amphibians will be directed by using various constructions to a safe gutter leading under the road and then under a bridging on the main road to get to the water reservoir and back to the forest safely.
Informed Jiří Trumpeš, the general manager of the Jasná resort.
250 special constructions reinforced with steel braces have been installed on the busiest road section to direct the frogs. Furthermore, a part of the road was milled off to place a gutter for the amphibians to cross under the road safely.
Unlike common gutters, the cross-section is much bigger here. This means the gutter will be stronger, animals won’t feel vibrations there. The investment amount in the permanent safe frog crossing in the area of Biela púť was as high as EUR 46,000.